
Confronting Old Testament Controversies: Pressing Questions about Evolution, Sexuality, History, and Violence is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Old Testament is rife with controversial passages and events that raise questions about its continued significance for today. Often our solutions have tended toward the extremes—ignore problem passages and pretend they don’t matter or obsess over them and treat them as though they are the only thing that matters. Now Old Testament scholar Tremper Longman confronts pressing questions of...

power of the Creator, who gives life and takes it away. Job never learns why he suffered, and if he did, the answer probably would not have comforted him. God’s response to Job’s questions and his accusation that God was unjust was not to answer him but to assert his wisdom and power. Of course, such a response is not very appealing to modern and postmodern audiences, and I am sure it wasn’t to Job either. However, we have a choice when we can’t have all our questions answered: reject God or at least
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